PR is possible on some echonet websites that we operate ourselves and not on behalf of clients.

Forms of advertising on the "V-GER" projects
We have created two and sometimes a third advertising option for most of our "V-GER" projects on echonet. On this page you will find all the important information about the advertising placements on the individual platforms, most of which are thematically very specific websites. The "standard forms of advertising" are
- Continuous advertising box - Digital billboard
- Promotional articles / sub-pages / posts with advertising content
Continuous advertising box / digital billboard
On many of our websites you will find boxes like the one shown in the photo in this article. This advertising space has a fixed annual rate, which is already displayed on the box. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of this form of advertising.
Disadvantages of the digital billboard
- Content is limited and must fit in the space provided.
- There is only one link, which is possible via the button at the end of the billboard.
Advantages of the digital billboard
- The billboard is integrated on the respective website in the respective language on all subpages - always and automatically.
- Exclusivity: There are only ever a maximum of 2 such entries per website and language.
Content of the digital billboard
- Headline (approx. 25 - 30 characters incl. spaces)
- Body text (approx. 190 characters incl. spaces) - Text only, no HTML code
- Button text for the link (approx. 20 characters incl. spaces)
- Button link: Static link (no "no-follow") to your website / target page
- Image / photo / graphic: Format 380 x 150 pixels
- Copyright information on the image (transparent field, top right)
For the digital billboard, all rules apply that are also listed below in the benefit rules for partnerships. The prices per box are indicated on the websites, whereby there is an advantage for faster bookers because the first box always costs 10 euros less per year than the second box.
Promotional articles: Own landing pages
On some echonet websites there is the option of placing promotional articles, for example to organize back-links or announce events. These can be much more extensive in terms of content. Normal HTML is permitted for the content area, we also permit direct links and also allow classic "do-follow" links in the content. The permitted HTML TAGs for the promotion article in the content area are
- <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>
- <p>, <i>, <strong>, <blockquote>, <ul>, <li>
- <a>
We do not accept articles in which external sources, tracking tools or similar are integrated - unless the tracking takes place via the links in the article. No JavaScripts may be used in the content. The promotional article consists of the following elements:
- Desired URL: 1 word for your page (e.g. "special offer" which then becomes the page "specialoffer.html").
- Pagetitle: with 25 - 35 characters incl. spaces
- META-Description: 100 - 150 characters incl. spaces
- Navigation path specification: Entry in the navigation path ("breadcrumbs"), approx. 5 - 15 characters + "(Promotion)" marker, this marker is mandatory.
- Headline / main heading <h1>: 15 - 25 characters incl. spaces (no HTML code)
- Subheadline of the page <h2>: 15 - 30 characters incl. spaces (no HTML code)
- Lead-in text: 200 - 300 characters incl. spaces (no HTML code)
- HTML code of the content area / body text: approx. 1200 - 2000 characters (simplified HTML code, subheadings, links, bulleted lists, no tables or objects, no JavaScript...)
- Optional content on request (at no extra cost)
- 1 x photo / graphic / image: landscape format, 780 x 440 pixels
- 2 x embedded medium / iFrame embedding: 780 x 440 pixels
- 1 x Youtube video (integration at the bottom of the page)
- In addition to HTML, your page is also output in AMP and made available for search engines accordingly, as it is also linked internally with us.
Selection of websites and price list for promotional items
Here we compile a continuously updated list of domains on which advertising in the above-mentioned forms is possible. This is also a price list for the promotional content, as we state the prices for the digital billboard boxes directly on the websites.
The set-up fee for promotional articles is € 40.00. This set-up fee is waived if you book a fixed term of at least 3 years. A booking for 1 year always means that you receive 2 months free of charge.
- | tariff per month: € 9.50, tariff per year: € 95.00
- | tariff per month: € 9.30, tariff per year: € 93.00
- | tariff per month: € 7.20, tariff per year: € 72.00
- | tariff per month: € 5.60, tariff per year: € 56.00
- | tariff per month: € 6.40, tariff per year: € 64.00
- | tariff per month: € 4.50, tariff per year: € 45.00
- | tariff per month: € 4.20, tariff per year: € 42.00
- | tariff per month: € 7,70, tariff per year: € 77,00
- | tariff per month: € 5,60, tariff per year: € 56,00
- | rate per month: € 4.20, rate per year: € 42.00
- | tariff per month: € 5.60, tariff per year: € 56.00
- | tariff per month: € 3.60, tariff per year: € 36.00
- | tariff per month: € 5.60, tariff per year: € 56.00
- | tariff per month: € 9.20, tariff per year: € 92.00
- | tariff per month: € 6.40, tariff per year: € 64.00
- | tariff per month: € 4.90, tariff per year: € 49.00
- | tariff per month: € 4.10, tariff per year: € 41.00
- | tariff per month: € 4.80, tariff per year: € 48.00
- | rate per month: € 5.20, rate per year: € 52.00
Conditions and benefit rules for advertising partnerships
First of all: The prices we quote are always in euros and exclusive of VAT. For customers abroad, we simply ask for the respective VAT identification numbers so that we can issue invoices without VAT. All prices quoted are non-negotiable, please do not waste your and our time trying to discuss the price. If your budget is not sufficient, you are sure to find other partnerships that can work to your budget.
All advertising spaces in the echonet content network have their own exclusive benefits from which you as an advertising partner also benefit. Among other things, these have to do with the fact that the domain of this website is also offered for sale online in many cases.
- Time measurements for annual offers (e.g. "Digital billboard") always apply from the 1st of the month following the start of the placement. For example, if you place the order on September 5, deliver the material and pay quickly, you pay the fee for the annual placement from October 1 to September 30 of the following year. All remaining days in the current month are then a free bonus.
- In the case of domain sales: Regardless of when we sell the entire website, you will receive a full refund for the year in which your advertising was booked. For example, if you have booked an advertising placement from October 1 to September 30 of the following year and we sell the website on April 1 of the following year, you will be refunded the money for the entire year. The months used in the current advertising period are therefore free of charge for you.