A difficult choice? Not really, but don't let our "cookie banner" confuse you...

Why do we have a cookie banner anyway?
Because it is a product of ours. Quite simply, the cookie banner or rather "DSGVO banner" for more data protection from echonet under the name cookie.life supports our customers in the context of websites and online portals made with the help of content.life or basic.life to also comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and to make the services and external services as well as any actual cookies controllable for the community of users.
Why is only "reject" possible here?
The agency echonet communication has reduced the number of necessary external services that cannot be protected by the GDPR in the course of a slight revision of the website. In the first step, the amount of external services and cookie things was reduced to zero, but that is not the end of our work on this.
Nevertheless, we show our cookie banner with cookie.life. On the one hand, to inform the users on the echonet website about the services used, which operate in the background or foreground, and to offer public information about them, and on the other hand, to show that such information is also good when you don't actually need it.